We are a gym dedicated to more than just fitness. We are a family of clients that support one another in our journeys toward better health.


This is not just about exercise. This is about you getting through this week; this is about you finding motivation for yourself.

What We've Achieved Together


“My weight loss journey has really been an ongoing battle of ups, and downs. I’ve “yo-yo’d” with my weight for as long as I can remember. My first class at KPF was on January 9th. Truth be told I was so full of anxiety leading up to the class, I had no idea what to expect. I was so desperate to the point where all that anxiousness was set aside. I was determined to do this. I wanted to feel better, and be better for myself, for my husband, and my boys. 

I’m so glad I signed up. KPF truly is a gem of a place! You want to see results, make your way here! Best decision ever!”


What Kelly has to say about Christy’s journey:

I cannot say enough about this woman!  The before picture is when she started the beginner course in May of this year. The after picture was yesterday! When she started back at the gym after  being away for a few years she was in a dark place. She was going through a tough season and was depressed, insecure, and very withdrawn. She was scared to death to come back to the gym. But she did and she has given it her all and has BLOSSOMED! Not only has she achieved these physical changes, but her confidence and happiness is back! I’m so very proud of her, and so happy for her! 


Donna came to KPF a couple of years ago and she’s never looked back! She’s pushed herself to her limits and it has paid off! I’m so proud of all that she’s achieved! This is what she said about her journey! 

“I joined Kellye's Personal Fitness a little over two years ago.  I have lost a total of 35 inches since joining.  I few short months ago I started the Boot Camp classes and I have lost an additional 20 pounds.  For the first time in over 30 years my A1C, cholesterol and triglycerides were normal!!! Has it been easy? No.  Have I been perfect? No.  It's not about being perfect.  It's about showing up, even when you don't feel like it.  It's about making your health a priority.   KPF is so much more than a gym!  Kellye and her staff truly care about you as a whole person!  They want you to succeed in your journey to a better you!  I can't personally thank Kellye and Audra and the rest of her staff enough for pushing me, encouraging  me and believing in me.  Even when I didn't believe in myself!!  The friendships I have made there are priceless.  Everyone( men, women, all shapes and sizes) encourages and cheers you on at KPF!    So please do yourself a favor and join!!  The only regret you will have is that you didn't start sooner!!!”